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Poems / Poverty

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has forced their worst condition in which we kept poverty.
[ Poverty ]
I do not know if poverty is to sharpen the mind a philosopher, but I know it\'s pretty damn cool poet\'s head.
[ Poverty ]
walking so fast that poverty is always achieved.
[ Poverty ]
Poverty deprive anyone of nobility, but rather takes away the property.
[ Poverty ]
highest poverty - lack of education.
[ Poverty ]
Poverty - unrest and crime.
[ Poverty ]
\'s extreme poverty - the leaders of wrongdoing.
[ Poverty ]
Poverty break the soul, hardens the heart and numb the mind.
[ Poverty ]
poverty itself leads toward philosophy. What philosophy of trying to convince with words, the poverty forces to implement the works.
[ Poverty ]
no shame to be poor, but to be ashamed of poverty.
[ Poverty ]
homeless poverty is despised more than dishonestly acquired wealth.
[ Poverty ]
poverty is a disgrace to be ashamed of, an insecure, precarious lose their dignity, which lost its dignity, the humiliated, the humiliated, it is all left out, marginalized - are falling into despair, the desperate, it loses sense in which the mind is missing - it killed . Yes - poverty is the cause of all disasters.
[ Poverty ]
Poverty is not a virtue, but the ability to endure - a virtue.
[ Poverty ]
My honesty and trust certificate - my poverty.
[ Poverty ]
Sometimes poverty leads to pride.
[ Poverty ]

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