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Poems / Justice

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belief in cause and effect interweaving their sākotni takes harshest of instincts: the instinct of revenge.
[ Justice ]
for justice is always the most alkuši those who are missing right.
[ Justice ]
concept of justice is equally dependent on the women\'s fashion jewelry.
[ Justice ]
just think the lawyer thing, which he generously paid
[ Justice ]
justice must be strong, but the power of fair.
[ Justice ]
Justice without force - a single weakness, strength without justice - tyrannical. Thus, justice is aligned with the power and reach to what is fair, it would be strong, and that which is strong, it would be fair.
[ Justice ]
Fairness - visnesatricināmākais national power base.
[ Justice ]
If the first of the benefits - to be fair, the second - get on beyond the penalty redemption of guilt.
[ Justice ]
Still do not know what exactly is justice, and somehow or find out whether or not it is an ability and whether it is with justice, are happy or not.
[ Justice ]
There is no virtue, and dižums and the impact caused by more envy than justice, because it usually comes up with power and great confidence in the nation. The righteous were not respected, and respect for the brave, they not only create surprise and delight, the delight of the wise men, but they also love to rely on them, they believe, at the same time, when the brave or smart or feel either fear or distrust . . . . . That is why the dislike felt by Katona and all the influential people of Rome.
[ Justice ]
I was young and I became old, but have never seen the righteous nor leave his children ask bread.
[ Justice ]
righteous shall inherit the earth and live forever. The straight mouth is wisdom, and the tongue speaks justice.
[ Justice ]
heart - the main weapon of truth.
[ Justice ]
matter how fair would not be a man, but what if he was once a Catholic bishop, if necessary, he is also a lie.
[ Justice ]
can be no equitable law, which provides that a person who does not nothing to be respected man who owns it.
[ Justice ]

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