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Poems / Pleasure

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pleasure derived from love, is love. And more bless the passion felt by himself, than that caused by another.
gives us pleasure rather than that which surrounds us, but our attitude towards the surrounding.
sad it is to enjoy yourself.
St. Francis has always tried to keep a joyful heart: where bēdīgums occupy, there is growing evil.
Priecīgums liberation of the soul, which we bless a child, a bird in flight and song, as well as the glow off the old man\'s face when ambition, greed and lust dropped as too narrow fabrics. However vissvētlaimīgāko joy I have seen some maniac\'s face.
Whoever does good to others, most of it derives pleasure.
Once you clip a goal more than our earthly existence, boundaries, then immediately you start to enjoy having fun every night, for every sun that you sasildījis, and even, it seems, for the proper digestion.
As long as people are living, too little happy man: so here, my brethren, is our original sin! And if we learn more to enjoy, then this is the best way to learn more and nesarūgtināt neļauties go into mourning.
best way to start a new day is waking up to think whether it would be possible today to bring joy to someone?
And lost to us is the day where we have not danced at once! And to be known as false any truth to which there was no laugh.
Life is a source of joy.
Joy is a special wisdom.
as well as a great pool and an immortal would not be directed efforts have to confess that bring joy to people is the best that can be done in this world.
Excessive joy would rather spend as tears of laughter.
Nepriecājies when your enemy falls, and let thy heart Who would not shout about his misfortune, for the Lord will be able to see, and it might well not like him, and he could prevent his anger from him. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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