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Poems / Success

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can be said for an individual to succeed in a world where there is money, largely driven by the release of heightened sensitivity, compassion and honesty.
[ Success ]
To succeed in this world, it is not enough that you\'re a fool, there is a need to have good manners.
[ Success ]
too quick success are almost always reversible with them - created, not a talent. Reflection and the fruits of labor are not ātrbriedīgi.
[ Success ]
of their success to a certain extent every man is indebted to believe that he himself has created.
[ Success ]
success - the only criterion between the different wisdoms.
[ Success ]
extent to which each person about their success is indebted to the view which he himself has created.
[ Success ]
Success - one of the worst crimes ever does not forgive your brothers the post.
[ Success ]
success is often the only visible difference between genius and insanity.
[ Success ]
secret of success in human life lies in its ability to be ready to use advantageous in cases when it comes.
[ Success ]
Success - effects and need not be a target.
[ Success ]
than me no contempt for the success of the idea of ​​what price they are collected.
[ Success ]
key of all components necessary for success, have faith.
[ Success ]
not desire the success of life on the road. Neapmaldīties - already a success. People not looking for love. Neizpelnīties their hatred - in love.
[ Success ]
How to succeed in life, knows only losers.
[ Success ]
without expecting quick and nesamierinies with modest success. Over-hastily - to achieve what,\'d be modest - going to achieve anything great.
[ Success ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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