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Being, which is entirely devoted itself to others, recognizes the right to freely izrīkoties by themselves.
People unable to dower rights by force, endowed with the power of law.
If those in power do not protect social institutions that provide minority peacefully to change, then this is called the tyranny of the government.
Democratic machine fools have the right to vote, in case of dictatorship - rule.
[ Properly ]
concepts of slavery and the right is located between the opposed. The following statements: I enter into an agreement with You a that it will only be fully and completely to You a will on my behalf, an agreement that I will abide as long as I do it\'ll be on your mind, and that you will notice as long as I am well pleased. - There will always be absurd, regardless of whether two people will relate to each other, and man and human relations.
[ Properly ]
Most of the fittest has never been so strong, it always stay in total control if They constitute its strength on the right, and Obedience to him - as an Obligation. It results from a stronger law, They are named on the right ironic sense, but in reality They are made on principle.
[ Properly ]
The essence lies in the moral interests of the two - personal liberty and public good - in balance.
[ Properly ]
fairness, mutual respect and feelings of confidence, based on the recognition of equal rights, expire civil wars, each side sees the other as criminals, and appropriating the right to be tried.
[ Properly ]
right is that for which side is power.
[ Properly ]
When we talk about human rights, everyone think of my own.
[ Properly ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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