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important thing is not what you believe but what you really are.
[ Notices ]
science, people change their views when new knowledge becomes available, but in relation to philosophy is to recognize that it is closer to theology, not science. Theologian proclaims the eternal truth, and faith has not changed since the Council of Nicea. About which nobody knows nothing, do not change the meaning point of view. But philosophy, which I honor and which seeks to serve the scientific in the sense that it brings new insights contributing to the fact that new discoveries make the errors of prior recognition of every honest mind to.
[ Notices ]
I do not insist that a true recognized the things I have ever been told by theologians as required in relation to their faith. The highest of which I can claim is that the expressed view was reasonable at the time when it was made.
[ Notices ]
weak tremble in front of public opinion, a fool to ignore the wise - the, Proficient - it consists of.
[ Notices ]
man easily change their opinions when requested by his or her interests.
[ Notices ]
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, - if they coincide with ours.
[ Notices ]
Thoughts does not become a regular on the mere fact that at many of them stop.
[ Notices ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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