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Poems / Recognition

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Recognition is not always eloquent.
People do not hold such a large measure its fellow citizens to recognize one\'s ability to perform high position. Recognise the individual merits of his death, if he has taken this position in good faith, it has everything to which we are capable of.
wise man is happy when their proven himself worthy of praise, the fool will meet with the surrounding applause.
Wisdom wants to get credit just to make sure that the right choice. It is vanity that craves praise.
Recognition is a beautiful symptom of the soul.
pride and vanity precludes recognition.
laurel wreath rather than suffering glory crown.
general acclaim it deserves to be brought together with a pleasant mineral.
We should welcome even other human-induced illusion of goodness, this sham game whose object is to respect others, but perhaps undeserved, because, after all, there is a chance that it will be done more serious.
Mediocrity never recognized anything that beats it, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
If you have a done good and this good work is rewarded, then why do not you madness, yet crave for recognition and awards for their good work?
If you had known that people in the assessment and initial interest, it would cease to strive for the recognition and praise.
: Actors die from lack of fame, real people - from lack of love.
ham applause doing worse.
Many praise thee. So whether you have reason to be happy with yourself? Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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