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Poems / Atheism

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Atheism - some smart people vice, superstition - destabilizing vice.
[ Atheism ]
only honest man was in to be an atheist. Villain who deny God\'s existence is a partisan judge, he is a man who is afraid and has nothing to fear from the repayment of the wicked.
[ Atheism ]
Wickedness - head of the great world religions.
[ Atheism ]
the practical life of all people - atheists: through his works, with their behavior they deny any faith.
[ Atheism ]
If God exists, then atheism is jāšķiet him to be less offensive than religion.
[ Atheism ]
modern atheism, pasmejoties of Biblical legend, it is considered that a god - this is the pseudonym of human folly.
[ Atheism ]
no atheists in France, here in respect for God, the Lord has not gone up so much so that one difficulty with the self-denial.
[ Atheism ]
Those who are trying to liberate people from the religious doctrines and pārspriedumiem can, as far as I know to be good thinkers, but I can not accept that they are considered to be good citizens and politicians, because they somehow relieves people from the shackles that curb their passions, and makes the violation of public law to some extent easier and safer.
[ Atheism ]
[Wickedness] All attempts to harm the glory of God, in other words, the clergy.
[ Atheism ]
Sadumpojies atheism (absolute atheism) puts God in history and changed the rebellion against the absolute obedience. Duty and morality he has no choice but to complete submission and total self-sacrifice insatiable sanctity of creation.
[ Atheism ]
Although the natural state of affairs in every sense is incomplete, but its occurrence is much easier to explain with the aid of the assumption of the existence of intelligent faith than with the theory of blind mechanical structure of the world. Thus, well entrenched atheists may also be visnekonsekventākiem theologians, because they are describing the same issues, it abandons the only acceptable approach.
[ Atheism ]
Mankind will not become happy until they become atheistic.
[ Atheism ]
If atheism spread, then it will become the same intolerant religion, as all previous.
[ Atheism ]
very primitive religion from the public point of view is more useful than atheism.
[ Atheism ]
godless society is richer than any other organization.
[ Atheism ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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