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Poems / Immortality

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What is dead but not forgotten, it is immortal.
Each individual man is mortal, but humanity is eternal.
who dedicate their lives to science ministry, his name will remain even after death immortal.
None of us are not born immortal, and if the one would have happened had he not been so lucky, as many as it may seem.
all that moving to make us the impression of a salary, or it objectively exists or not. Man dies, an objective he kidney, but when we feel the impact of his personality, works, thoughts, then he is. . . I lived elsewhere outside the self, regardless of the flesh, and live now, live later, while my work will make an impression. Since I do most of your life and immortality.
There is no reason to believe that Aristotle believed in the immortality of the individual, the view corresponding to Plato\'s teachings, but later - Christianity. He only took the view that people in so far as they are intelligent beings, faced with the divine, which is immortal. A person can increase his divine nature, and to strive for - the highest moral obligation. But if a man do this fully, he would cease to exist as a specific individual. It is possible that this is not the only possible interpretation of Aristotle\'s thought, but I think - most appropriate.
Immortality, if we believe it could have, should have been able to save us from thinking about one\'s physical existence of finality. We had thought that, although our own souls the ground running in matter and the laws of physics as a hostage, they will go to the land of eternal world which is beyond the destruction of the world. . . . But it is impossible to believe without the assumption that man is composed of two parts, soul and body, which can be detached and exist independently of each other. Unfortunately, the facts but denies it.
Immortality can be understood as follows: a person participating in the process of creating immortality, that is, art, religion, morality - any kind of beautiful and good creation.
Immortality gives work to something eternal.
Immortality, of course, imperfect, realized, no doubt, offspring. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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