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Poems / Patmīla

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where patmīla expression more strongly than make-believe love.
Patmīla is the greatest of all flattered.
Patmīla smarter, for highly skilled people in the world.
patmīla much harder than going through our taste in our view a reprimand.
Patmīlu can hurt, it is impossible to kill.
By their nature, thieves, and usurious handover patmīla gets unpretentious and modest: not easy to want people to be less, as you want when you want just their money.
Only when patmīla become ever bigger, smarter, more sophisticated, the world will look pašaizliedzīgāka.
patmīla inherently counter other patmīlu; citmīla benefit each other. Patmīlas by the time it destroyed each other, citmīlas grows, the nature of altruism and selfishness notion founded the faith in future progress.
Patmīla for present mankind has recognized the basis for all work. But really really well now citmīlas role nau eliminated, because without it, has no mother love alone, the world would not exist. But patmīlas emphasis of our times is really narrowed their lives capability.
Selfishness is the Beginning of our passion and the foundation, it is born with us and not leave us to our life in the last minute.
selfishness takes away people\'s own deepest feelings - love for the homeland, family love, love of virtue and chastity.
person without patmīlas is negligible. Patmīla - Archimedes lever with which to move from Earth.
love for yourself - a life-long novel. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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