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Poems / Revolution

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often prepares pre-revolution freedom, but it has never been a revolution in the consequences.
Revolution - Progress barbaric way.
Revolution finished thinkers, but the implementation of the bandits.
Revolution is a fee for past sins, a statement that has been lacking enough creative force to reform society.
revolutionary worship the future, but living in the past.
Revolution contemplating geniuses, exercise fanatic, but appropriating the fruits of trade.
Kontrrevolūcijas when they all have led to its initial state, leads to a new revolution.
Revolution, its causes and consequences - nothing more than the selfish interests of a long struggle.
revolution takes place in one day, good kontrrevolūcijai need century.
People who are proud of the fact that due to the revolution, the next day always made sure that they have not known what to have done - that caused a revolution is very similar to the one they had wanted to lead.
makes people live in conditions which belong only to animals, they just have two options - to rebel or to actually become animals.
Revolution exercised, they come on their own.
hate any revolution, because it destroys at least the value of the cause.
revolution is good at its beginning, when the heads roll those up.
only bad and basely people get from the Revolution. Regardless of whether the revolution is successful or not, people with a wide range of heart will always be its victim. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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