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Poems / Spirituality

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man who does not live an inner life - a slave to their surrounding community.
[Spirituality] Plato and Descartes invented topped mysterious property that theologians turned into a symbol of faith. This feature apparently has all beings, for which we are not aware, nor the fact that they exist, nor that they are working; God is spirit, our soul is spiritual, the church is a spiritual power. Speaking plainly, this means that we are actually well know, not what it is, not how it works.
insights and speculations began, then broke out the hypocrisy and lies. When the family ARDA quarrels and disagreements, then reverence and love to the most common chant. When a country torn apart by turmoil and thrive betrayal Then loudest praises trusted servants.
Who despises the spiritual forces, then they disappear.
The parents become life long living people, the greater becomes the mental horizon, the more it becomes enlightened consciousness. In turn, those people who live in a secular life, the years more and more will slide into darkness.

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