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Poems / Perfection

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is something inhuman. He who wants to do a complete human, after all it is converted by the animal.
of perfection reached can be considered to be between justice and personal benefits to be selected first, at the time of distress and self-sacrifice never even spent long time in difficult circumstances, not to forget their promises.
The people who have done good, a good man. The one who has had to suffer for good works, is a very good person. The fact that good work is gone because of death, it has reached the highest degree of morality - the heroism and perfection.
virtues of perfection is revealed in its ability to live each day as the last day of life: without anxiety, without cowardice, without pretense.
sake of completeness, there is one drawback: it can begin to bore.
the people has reached the highest perfection of the one who does good to all people, regardless of whether they are good or bad.
Tops complete themselves and mature as a fruit - You will get peace and rejuvenation.
which has a large fortune, it no longer shows little joy, which came to rest, it may go the world\'s noise, which was written in full, it no longer knows.
hopelessly incomplete pagrimst or die.
Which is not evil, it is close to perfection. Anger, hatred, anger, condemnation corrupts the spirit of sincere faith. Only the spirit of forgiveness and love into foreclosed Spirit of God.
Perfection is perfection only when it has reached infinity, and approach it is infinite. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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