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Poems / Patriotism

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Who does not love their country, unable to love and nothing else.
Patriotism, whatever it may be, is shown not in words, but with deeds.
Let\'s be patriots, but let us not forget that we are also a gentleman.
Patriotism - combustible waste that can catch fire from the ambitious torch going to make his name famous.
Patriots - people who share interests shall be planted above the interests of the whole.
No one can be a patriot when the stomach is empty.
true patriotism and love for humanity in a particular expression is incompatible with hostility to other nations.
Patriotism - last refuge for scoundrels.
My patriotism - is closing down within the nation, it is comprehensive, and am ready to reject that patriotism in support of well-being of one nation to another operating expense. I believe that patriotism does not make sense if it is always, in any case, without exception, does not strive for the benefit of all mankind.
There can be no patriotic art, patriotic or science.
patriotism advantage is the fact that it is a cover we can cheat with impunity, rob, murder. Not only with impunity, but full of a sense of justice.
We were encouraged patriotism, and we became patriots, because we\'re doing everything we ordered our rulers.
love for the homeland is compatible with love to the world. People, gaining knowledge of light, is not detrimental to their neighbors. On the contrary, the countries are better educated, the more they are able to mutually exchange ideas, further strengthen the global strength of mind and action.
Love for the benefit of the fatherland leads us to love, but love yourself to yourself - at the national self respect, and based on patriotism.
must be true throughout, even affecting the homeland. Every citizen has a duty to die in his homeland, but nobody is obliged to because they lie. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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