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Poems / Eternity

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Nothing is impossible to love except for eternity and it is impossible to love other than with an everlasting love. If there is no eternity, then there is nothing. Moment is wholesome only when it is connected to eternity.
Eternity is a dice game gave himself a child: power over the world belong to the child.
Atpakaļvēršanās nature noteiksmē eternity is. Eternity is to keep the enlightenment. He who maintain the eternity, act blind and evil. Eternity gives recognition of tolerance.
Trey worlds - past, present, future - living person can feel unhappy if one of them is worthless. Religion has added a fourth - eternity.
Time - MAKING Watching your eternity.
We have pieces torn from eternity, after destroying us again take an eternity.
Spinoza, who was one of the brightest people, and has lived according to his wisdom, the people were given advice to look at what is happening from an eternal perspective. Those who will be able to learn, feel that the present intolerable becomes much more paciešamāka.
Eternity - a time when there is perfect.
all God has his own time well-arranged, even in eternity He has made the hearts of people, just a pity that one can not understand the work of God - not the beginnings or end.
sex and other sex go next, but the land there for ever unshaken. Sun rises and the sun goes down and hastens back to the same place from where it jumps back again. Wind goes south and turns to the north, and continuously around the Turning pūzdams it aptek around and come back to his old place. All rivers flow into the sea, and though the sea is becoming fuller, but in the same place, through which the river flows, the flows will always in still. In all places there is so much hard that nobody can not say, your eyes are too weak to see clearly everything, and ears to hear everything. What has been, it will again be, and what has already happened, it will happen again, because there is nothing new under the sun. Has anything ever happens, as one might say: Look, it\'s what\'s new! It has long been times that have been long before us. From the past is no memory left, and on those later - who will come, and they will not remain on any memory of those who come after them.
Look at all from the perspective of eternity. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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