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Poems / Power

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The power given to us in order to protect their property, rather than appropriating another\'s.
[ Power ]
Strongest rights are strongest deprived of all rights.
[ Power ]
Remember that each individual case, you need to look at ourselves and examine what dwells within you the strength to get some of the benefits. When your eyes view beauty, then you are against the self-control strength. If you have any difficulties occur, do you find the strength, if happens that you Nozaki, you will find the ability to tolerate dishonest.
[ Power ]
power with justice, then what could be more powerful than the union?
[ Power ]
Antea moral man is the opposite: his strength, he was not touching the ground, but he draws your eyes upward, toward a far-off and, after the first facie, unachievable ideal.
[ Power ]
Strength does not arise from natural abilities, but from a firm will.
[ Power ]
In a small victory over the self-made people much stronger. You know that, training your body a person becomes healthier, more durable, neat - also trained his intelligence, his will.
[ Power ]
Strength also means tolerance. Intolerance manifested weakness.
[ Power ]
force without reason killed by itself.
[ Power ]
most people need the power of self-government.
[ Power ]
We all have enough strength suffer another accident.
[ Power ]
We have enough strength to keep track of everything that we teach the mind.
[ Power ]
Power always wins, but its victories are short-lived.
[ Power ]
the power of man, when it always acts on the will of God and the whole is obedient to him!
[ Power ]
Where there is power, the law powerless.
[ Power ]

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