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Poems / Humility

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castle door is not as high as people imagine they can get through just pieliecoties.
Humility - it is invulnerability.
The hardest part is to be humble - the desire in itself be a high opinion but died recently.
All religions on the basis of morality takes humility, it is a voluntary slavery.
Humility, by their nature are nothing else than their own personal level of development and moral perfection of the comparison result.
Rivers and seas across the valleys there is therefore, that tend to be lowest, therefore the rulers are all down. And the enlightened: If he desires to rise over the people, he should vispazemīgākajam. If he wants the forefront among the people, he should visapvaldītākajam. And so: Although he towers above, people do not become severe. Although he raises in front of people is excluded. And also: People will be happy and raise him from the inevitable. Because he compete, Nobody on earth can compete with him.
Humility is often only studied humility, which is used to subject the other, it is vanity tricky maneuver, which bowed to stand out, and although this arrogance is converted to a thousand, it has never been better disguised and more able to cheat and then if it appears in the guise of humility.
Many want to be pious, very few - humble.
humble living among others, barbed wire fence between you and me he was torn off and not even notice that his hands are bleeding.
Although humility is the core of the gospel, this gem would be wrong to look only to Christianity. Both Taoism and Zen Buddhism, and Hinduism in particular, human perfection is impossible without humility.
Humility is the hardest shell.
my heart, Lord, not proud, and my eyes are not arrogant. I netīkoju the big things that I would be high. Indeed, I granted the request of his soul and klusināju as the mother weaned child is my soul within me as a separated child.
humble shall eat and be eaten, and who seek the Lord, they praise him.
humility, - namely, fear of God before the wage is - wealth, honor and life.
killed walking in a human heart becomes proud, but humility leads worship. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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