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Poems / Oath

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love swearing only shows its airy, faithful friendship they are needed.
[ Oath ]
Oath is a guarantee of honest people do not need to, but given the rest - precarious.
[ Oath ]
poverty promise - swear means to be lazy and a thief. Give chastity promise - swear to God means constantly violate the same smartest and the most important of his law. To give a promise of obedience - means giving up individual inalienable rights - from freedom. If a person promises to follow - he is a criminal, if it fails - he is an oath breaker. Convent life - it is a fanatic or make believe life.
[ Oath ]
Oath - the trap of virtue.
[ Oath ]
atturies oath, unless it is possible, if not, how seldom as possible.
[ Oath ]
But above all things, my brethren, nezvēriet neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath; to your yes is yes and no - no, that nekrītat soda.
[ Oath ]
swear - greater sin than violating the oath.
[ Oath ]
the view of the majority of the gods to forgive an oath just to be in love, because you can see how loving a vow - it does not take an oath.
[ Oath ]
Who never swore loyalty, and it will never be unfaithful.
[ Oath ]
soldiers vow: they nezvērēja die or win, they nozvērējās come back as winners and kept the oath.
[ Oath ]
generally Honesty - the best of the oaths.
[ Oath ]
too warm, the heart is a waste of supplying the tongue vows.
[ Oath ]

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