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Poems / Service

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Free is only that which serves the file to return to others their will and strength to do anything about it without asking. Only the middle part belongs to us, the beginning and end of the cause and effect - is in God\'s hands. Deliver me from my faith, because every desire is the spirit of dismay, but each ministry - wisdom.
[ Service ]
In life we ​​attract those who serve as support.
[ Service ]
Is it better to be on how to be modest in their aspirations and serve yourself?
[ Service ]
When serving others, then consider that I pay my debts, rather than pay for ash.
[ Service ]
For your pleasure is the only service people, and you will not have another joy.
[ Service ]
Pure and neapgānīta ministry of God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their affliction, himself from the world unspotted.
[ Service ]
Serve people anonymously. When we do good deeds anonymously, it grows in us a sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Moreover, if we serve not desire for recognition and reward, we get to look at other people\'s souls. Selfless service has always been one of the most powerful means of influence.
[ Service ]
Serve people. . . . Philosophy, which claims that we get life only when we give it serves - is the truer paradox. If we are driven by the desire to serve people, to take care benefits to care for them yourself, then for such a life, becomes a psychological, emotional and spiritual award - the inner peace of mind.
[ Service ]
No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love the other, or one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon.
[ Service ]
that is no longer fun, serve God.
[ Service ]
In the morning go out to serve the other, this evening finds that his life has been filled.
[ Service ]
Let us rejoice and give thanks for the sky, which are less adequately served their fatherland, let us consider the tyranny dagger worthy.
[ Service ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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