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Poems / Principles

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principle value of the quantity of the fact that it explains.
homeopathic principle, which states that the women we are able to heal a woman, probably the most approved by experience.
some knowledge of the principles easy to replace some of the ignorance of the facts.
Nature is always stronger than principles.
This law is based on the principles that haunts is bezprincipialitāte, netikumisks, sensual, a subject in perspective for the country. They are dirty conscience broke involuntarily shout.
sistēmveidojošais principle of democracy is virtue, the citizen\'s action is based on justice and love of the fatherland, the formative principle of monarchy is honor, but the principle of despotism - fear.
preach his principles and not to hold either the hypocrisy that it wants to obtain material benefits, or mental disability, which obscure the principle itself. Usually the first is to those who have material power - the second to those who defend it. Because who does not understand the principle, still feels the material benefits. It nau says that disabling disabling should understand the principle of make believe. The difference is the consciousness of strength.
There are some principles that we declare our conversation, etc., which we use in life, the opposite of any cause outrage - is widely believed that they should not even be mutually satisfying, even the writer, especially moralists, does not require him to speak on their own is writing his books, and most do what calls to do more.
man without principles, and will resemble a ship without a rudder and compass, each change of wind direction changed its course.
rich people can afford any principles. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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