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Page : 1
blew out the darkness of the word,
sigh afraid of the bird\'s wing
and there on behalf of, perceived as part of the building,
before you blow the fear
before you blow the darkness

leaving the star
As silver sounding

as well be exiting the star!
nothing to lose or acquire,
All the former has become a natural,
and all eternity in his flow.
[ ]
I have these dark and light at the crossroads
a given moment;
Lord, how it is short
And One!
[ ]
so lonely,
so lonely in the late light,
as if God Should
given his soul -

you will go in August -
so easy to go in August! -
When playing around Grasshopper
And you quietly, quietly ieripo
The Valley of the silver in the dark,
Shooting Star and more the way you apmirdz
As a lone female Perche

you will go in August -
so it is Difficult to go in August! -
The Apple in the Garden Ring
and falls in the hands of Their own,
WHERE every flower and grass
soul enough
And standing in your doorway is the only human
the dog may bark and apriet,
Can the envious personal grudge and envy,
but are you going,
Go Your Own Eternity -
[ ]
Burns unfulfilled dreams.
The earth ash gray Kais,
And the day turns gray,
And my soul crack.
[ ]
whom you come in black mother,
Clear my sunshine?
Who did you get, the earth mother
Auklējumu my dear?
[ ]
eyes no longer see that,
Feet where there will no longer run,
Hands will no longer be the embrace,
Heart will not cease to love.
[ ]
Come on and take my life;
Returned to son, mother earth!
How to live without his genealogy
Where to now a force Rod?
Will turn black earth mother,
Quiet green velēniņa,
Vera\'s tomb as a giant wound:
The strength you need to find themselves!
[ ]
Nature gives us immortality:
People on death turns into a flower.
[ ]
Every field thy harsh dew of sweat,
I ear you want to weave a crown.
[ ]
If life has burned bright flames,
Then nebēdājies, old boy,
In love, work and song
By the time neizplēn ashes.

But when once the great silence undertake
Will wish to hear me,
Or a song my dreams
And my heartbeat still sounds.
[ ]
the time spent is not the sea,
But the sand that slips through your fingers.
How long is no longer to be riekša empty
And sand over the shedding another.
[ ]
Aizzib life than a twinkling,
Long life as a moment it seems.
But the moments of love
How to go over the abyss.
[ ]

White cloud of your image
Blue skies to roam,
Variable and far
And yet -
[ ]
When the dying days of the close to sunset,
You still remember the morning with a smile.
I head bending forward,
For you, Mom, kiss.
[ ]
Pine grief rustling softly
Birch green head put.
Kamdēļ heart, you ceased, -
Yet so little under the sun IETS.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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