Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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Happiness, just shy favorite, although willingly donates his goodness, but it makes the fight.
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age as fun as youth! Youth, like the lark, have their morning songs, old, like Mockingbird, to know how to sing their evening songs.
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For a woman born, for their turns.
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husband - it is an art to keep it - it is a profession.
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woman forgives all, but often reminiscent of what forgiven.
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If love is strong enough, waiting becomes a fortune.
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Every child born in that deity, and then descends to man.
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Age is a parody of life.
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philosophy needs more people to deal with, not the philosophers talk.
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Considerations deadlock occurs.
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Artist is Responsible not only society, but ALSO the call in the account.
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of a single powerful idea I am ready to give up any women, either - just about anywhere. The idea is much less than women.
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careless person who does not know the truth, explaining abstract, arrogant and inaccurate.
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unhappy with the state which is not enough heroes.
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will not be as a nation, we would subside again ruling class, which does not belong to our people.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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