Children charity organisation
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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems /

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seems to be fully achieved not when
no longer have to be added but when no longer
to take away.
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If anyone dares to cross the road but
desert, it throws a curve bends to refresh havens.
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Road bends gently to mislead us
[ ]
a world where life as easy access
life, where the wind bed of flowers mixed with flowers, where all the familiar swan swans, only
people lift their loneliness.
[ ]
Desert. . . the white surface of the hundreds of
thousands of years, have been DAEs; ata only stars. Immaculate tablecloth, lined below
clear skies.
On the tablecloth, lined below zvaig-
Except, it may fall only star dust - never no meteorite so clearly failed to demonstrate his or her background.
[ ]
Do not know what happens to me. Severity
I kept off the ground, even as many stars
pulled towards you. Such a different deception
strength makes me return to my own. I feel
their weight, which I associate with so many things! My dreams are more realistic than sand dunes,
the moon, for all the surroundings.
[ ]
full of mourning, and yes, and yet so simple family picture: generation after generation, leaving the road to their beautiful skins -
sirmgalvjus deceased - through the transformation
marching off to unknown facts.
[ ]
saproties with others because you are relaxed and confident.
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Poems /

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