Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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World - huge cattle barn, the clean is not easy as the Aegean stables, because as long as its clean, steers left and supply it with a new manure piles.
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fools is trying to savior his mediation with the ancestral merit.
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Every man is a world that is born and dies with him, under each plate shows the grave of the world\'s history.
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artist is the child of a fairy tale has it that each one of the ASRA turns into a diamond.
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How noble nature of the artist knows how to achieve a great means stingy effects.
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Inaction man can experience total happiness.
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ends, there begins bad man.
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wedding march music always reminds me of military march before the blood.
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Tears - souls of white blood.
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When heroes go, the scene feels clowns.
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monkey seem as funny, the more it reminds people, as well as a fool is funny because the more they pretend wise.
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atriebies, his heart still remains bitter.
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Humor as ivy winds around us. Besides its trunk is nowhere to be valid.
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grille separates humor from the mad house.
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What is wellness? Well-being is nothing more than highly pleasurable sadness.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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