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Our good or evil deeds follow us continually as shadows. Most need a heart full of love. You should be seen by other people, as a man perceives his only son. Neapspiediet them, crush them, to maintain a vigilant watch each member of their body, quit immoral lessons and go straight path. Do not lift themselves, humiliating the other, but mieriniet Give and friendship for those who suffer. Do not doubt for a royal dignity, but also do not listen to glaimotāju slimy tongues.
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There is no benefit themselves mērdēt austerities, but meditate on the Buddha and consider it virtuous law. From all sides we include birth, aging, illness and death of stones, and only thinking about the truth and follow the law, we can escape from the sadness of this stack. What are the benefits of practicing injustice?
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had a brother, whose heart had doubted. He stood up and clapped his hands, asked: \"Can I ask a question?\" Received authorization, he spoke as follows:
\"Buddha taught that all forms are transient, that all forms are subject to sorrow, that all forms of lack of self. Then how it is possible to nirvana state of eternal bliss? \"
And blessed is provided by the following solemn reply, \"Oh, monks, a state that is neither earth, nor water, nor heat, nor air, nor space infinity and infinity of consciousness, nor void, nor perception or perceived disability, there is no this world, no other world, nor the sun and moon. It is not associated with the state. And this, O monks, I call either the coming or going, nor standing. I did not call and not for death, not birth. There are not any stability or change, it is an eternity that neither begins nor ends. And at the end of the tribulation.
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and happy bhikšu approached and told the story of a prince Dighavu long-livers. He said: \"Once upon a time lived Benaresā powerful king, whose name was Brahmadata the hook. And he went to war against Dighiti, daudzcietušo Košalas King, because he thought that Košalas kingdom is small and Dighiti be able to resist the army. And Dighiti saw that resistance was impossible, fled, leaving his little kingdom Brahmadatas hands, but after many wandering he finally arrived Beneresā and lived with his wife potter\'s house outside the city.
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Queen bore him a son, and they called it Dighavu. When Dighavu grew, the king thought to himself: \"The king Brahmadata caused great harm to us and now we are afraid of revenge. He will try to kill us. If he finds us, then slay us all three. \"The king sent his son away, and Dighavu, received a good education from his father, diligently mastered all the arts, becoming a skillful and clever.
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At that time the prince lived Benaresā Dighiti barber. It saw the king, his former commander, and, in the nature of being avaricious, handed him the king Brahmadatam. When Brahmadata, lifting hooks ruler padzirdēja that Košalas the king fled with his wife, no one knows nomaskējušies lived quietly in the potter\'s house, ordered them to be tied and punished by death. And supervisor, who was given the command, arrested King Dighiti and taken to the execution site.
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Indeed, the body is full of impurity, and it is the end of the tomb, because it is eternal and has decided to dissolve the elements. However, as the receiver of karma, it is in our power, and we can turn it into the truth, and not an evil weapon. There is no right to pursue tangible pleasures, but also not good to neglect our bodily needs and gaps on top of the dirt pile. Lamp not cleared and not filled with oil, faded, but neaprūpēts, greasy, penance and jaded body is not for the light of truth receiver. Treat your body as if you maintain the wound that you care about, but which you are not attached. Stringent rules will not lead the disciples over the middle ground. Of course, no one may follow stricter rules to prevent, if this man believes that it is suitable for it, but can not impose on anyone, because they are not needed.
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Life is a moment
and living is dying.
Just as the chariot rolls, bringing
around its axis, but they are based recreation
axle, like a living being lasts for life
thoughts of one year. Once the idea
is over, the very existence has been through.
As it says: \"The idea of ​​last-minute
existence has been lived, but it is no longer
living and the non-living. Future thoughts
The existence of living, but has not yet lived
and do not live now. The current idea
moment the existence of living, but it is not
lived and live in the future.
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themselves gods envy the bliss
who has escaped the floods of passion
and spring out of the shores of nirvana.
His heart is purified of all
impurity and free of illusions.
He is like a lotus that grows under water,
but it sticks to petals
not the slightest drop of water.
The man who goes by the noble path
living in the world, but his heart
not pollute the worldly desires.
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a man came and said:
\"My heart is restless and
excited because I see people
die. I do not care about others
I tremble for themselves. Help me
Heal me from this fear! \"
And the poet said:
\"Help is entitled to
who sympathizes with others, but as long as
only one is addicted to his \"I\",
assistance is not. Examine the difficulties
the human soul and teach it
morals and compassion. As you can
see the sadness that surrounds you,
and still be full of selfishness?
Do not you at the sight of his brothers,
sisters and friends are suffering,
unable to forget their miserable
wishes and desires of your heart? \"
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disciples, secrecy
characterized by three things:
love affair,
priestly wisdom
and the deviation from the path of truth.
Women in love, O disciples,
looking for privacy and avoid
society, the priests, who say
that have received special revelation
O disciples, seek secrecy
and disappeared from the public, and all
who goes astray from the path of truth,
O disciples, seek secrecy
and disappeared from the public.
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Three things, O disciples,
shine before the world
and not apslēpjamas.
What are these three things?
Moon, O disciples, illuminates the world
and can not be hidden;
The sun, O disciples, shines on the world
and can not be around, hidden, and tathágatas
proclaimed the truth illuminates the world
and can not be concealed. These three things,
O disciples, Light up the World
and can not be concealed.
And they are not secret.
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living creature destroys the functioning of the ten cases, and by avoiding these ten cases, the activity becomes good. These are three of our body\'s ills, evils four languages ​​and three mental evils.
Body evils of murder, theft and adultery; language ills is a lie, slander, gossip and abuse, mental evils of greed, hatred and delusion.
I wish you to avoid the ten evils.
First Do not kill, but defer life.
The second Nezodziet and nelaupiet, but help everyone be on the fruits of their owners.
The third Refrain from fornication and live clean.
The fourth Do not lie, but be honest. Tell the truth gently, without fear and with love.
The fifth Neizgudrojiet backbiting, nor distribute them. Do not dispute, but try to see the good qualities of their members, so that you can wholeheartedly defend them against their enemies.
The sixth Nelamājieties, but speak with decency and dignity.
The seventh Do not waste time to gossip, but speak to, or klusējiet.
8th Neiekārojiet and neskaudiet, but rejoice in other people\'s success.
The ninth Cleanse your heart from evil and hatred nelolojiet even against enemies, Give all the goodness of human beings.
The 10th Free the mind from ignorance and earnestly strive to get to know the truth, especially in the area that you need, and do not get the victim nor skepticism, nor delusion. Skepticism will make you indifferent, but the fallacy will lead you astray, and you will not find the noble path that leads toward eternal life.
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preacher must be an exhilarating energy and hope abound, he must be exhausted and desperate for money. Preacher must be the person who is looking for water and digs up the barren land. While he sees that the sand is dry and white, he knows that until the water is still a long way. But he gives up and does not work on the hopeless. He has jāatrok dry sand to nuzzle deeper. And often it is: the deeper he Járóka in cooler, cleaner and atspirdzinošāks is water. When excavation for the last time he sees that the sand gets wet, he will view it as a sign that is near the water. As long as people do not listen to words of truth, the preacher knows that he Járóka even deeper into their hearts, but as soon as people start to pay attention to him, he knows that they will soon be enlightened.
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If a person is dear to himself, he shall himself carefully paved, guarding the truth to protect themselves. If a person is trying to be something which he teaches others to be, then, himself a subject, he can be subjected. When in battle a thousand times a thousand men defeat and one defeat yourself, then the second is the greatest of the two conquerors. They are fools - whether they are ordinary people or clergy - habits to believe that it has done it himself. \'\' To me the others are exposed. And in this or any other event I play a decisive role. \'\' Fools do not care about his obligations or goals to be achieved, because they think only of themselves. Everything serves as a pedestal of their emptiness.
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