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Poems /

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extended wear, as long as possible, then when no longer, it abridged starts - that\'s the whole secret of fashion.
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detained burning tears are falling behind and edged soul, from the outside is water, from the inside - fire.
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Joy generalizing people, the pain is individualized.
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do not start anything in anger! Silly thing is that during the storm stepping on board.
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woman lies and deceit usually more than men, it is quite natural, because it is the weaker sex, and deception is a natural weak weapon.
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Being someone who has never loved, it is like to be a bird which has never taken off the air.
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pale woman, attractive, clean.
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Lover without imprudence has no lover.
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Religion is not the main purpose of housing people in heaven, but to create a heaven in his soul.
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himself inside that sadness or joy is the source.
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Every truth is fate: to be called at the beginning of a heresy, then turn into prejudices.
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human rhythm of life is routine, interspersed with orgies.
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Advertising is the most interesting and hardest form of modern literature.
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How do you know that the earth does not serve as hell to another planet?
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Happiness never been monumental.
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Poems /

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