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naughty āzītis.

Āzītis no stain. All day
walking along the fence and all the hunger. Tilt the head,
pulls and so gives the horns.
-Well, āzīti, pretty! If so, then you
can not even play, - says the colt.
But āzītis him - driven - by the horns
Iezviedzas colt and ran away.
The dog Poģīti āzītis also sanīdās.
Āzītis left alone. Go through sētsvidu,
shake his beard and crying harping:
-All I have left. No, not me-
wants, no one loves me.

[ ]
Mother taught me so,
We are obedient to live;
Nenīsties, nebārties,
Keep ienaidiņa.
[ ]
Grandmother\'s tales.

Oh, the grandmother\'s tales!
We are in a hurry in the evening rather iesprukt
bed for grandma to sit by-
Kus and her story. Only the little brother:
\"Sito tale I already know\" - and falls asleep.
I also know I have heard from mothers
and aunt, but I can not stop listening
adventures of a round cake.
Grandmother says every time a different voice,
and adds a completely different tale.
But like most of the confusion grandmother
and I can say in front of her!
[ ]
Radu articles.

Your mom is your mom.
Mom\'s mom is a grandma
Grandmother mother is no more.
All times moms will go into the ground.
Earth is our mother.
[ ]
Leek lime, oak hooked.
They had good giggle;
Old Daddy, māmulīte,
They devējiņi advice.

The old oak
All branches firmly;
The old Daddy
Everywhere wise padomiņš.
[ ]
Ms Riina and the Davis family.

Ercentage Davis and the mother is the best training cen-
term in the world. Ercentage Davis and dad is the best possi-
Lighthouse dad in the world. So they made their tween-
its neighbors and dads can never be confused with a
another mother and father. Even the little brother
Tennis knows them from a distance and called
fine the voice:
-Mamma! Dad!
Then dad Rinus seated on one knee and
Davis on the other. Mother\'s womb takes a hose. . .
And now with the whole family:
Karlis Ozols,
Karina Oak,
Rina Oak,
David Oak,
Oak tennis.
[ ]
Annele watching their parents.

Annele fall grass. His parents are watching. . .
Oh, and love to watch them! For each
children are the father and mother. And altogether, con-
they are all different one from yesterday and the day before.
Father of the eyes as the sky and the mother
those cheeks and mouth. . . Well, what then? Annele
can not find a flower that would be the
mother, with whom they could compare.
Also will both watch as the
flowers, flowers, and blue sky. . .
[ ]
We were three sisters,
All lovingly lived in:
Bear one villainītes,
Alone gave wreaths.

Men do men do
How they sila lovebirds:
people brīnumiņi large,
That we lovingly lived.

No dear not driven,
How come brother with sister;
Where he saw the bird bush
There Kumeliņš cut,
There Kumeliņš cut,
To nurse pušķojas,
To nurse pušķojas
White cherry flowers.

Oh, little children, oh, little children,
Listen to her father, māmuliņu!
Ever the sun in the sky,
Not ever father, mother.
[ ]
Golden river.

Hot day
or in the evening cool
mother\'s ring finger
wears gold.

Hot day
or in the evening cool
Dad\'s ring finger
wears gold.

I had the same
river smelts,
where the mother\'s gold,
where tētiņa gold.
[ ]
say tētiņam
On the cradle kārumiņu,
Thank you mother say
About āvumiņu legs.

What do gulbīti white,
That no sea babbling;
What good is teaching children,
That neither the father, māmuliņa.
[ ]

Today is Sunday. Mother not to go
at work. We have come to the park.
Mother sitting on a bench and relax. I-toys
Lajos with children. We build bridges.
Mother looks at me and smile. All
the world smile.
How mother is beautiful when she smiles!
I also smile. Just like mom!
[ ]
hazel blossoms
Red flowers;
From heart I loved
His white māmuliņu.
[ ]
Right brownie.

Each house has its own brownie,
What protects the house
both Litava and wind
of lightning and harsh.

All day, night plant
tirelessly working
either as a gnome on all
subtly year. . .

Each house has its own brownie,
everything in his way.
You know how to call him -
White māmuliņa.
[ ]
sun warm, nice mommy,
Both single labumiņu:
From the sun warm mornings,
Dear mother of the words.
[ ]
wanted to become white.

Crows very sneezing, the swan is white and
his black.
In the evening, when the swan was asleep, her crow
threw mud and thought that either
once a swan is black. But the swan in the morning
mud were again washed and white.
Well cooked and immediately began and were steaming while laying, but
only one remained. It also comes say-
name: the crow Perth, the nepērta.
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