Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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I had everything in a hurry ever given,
Often, even stingy, my quick, short-lived.
Sorry I have many times the other, but not for herself,
Go, I feel - vakarvējš blowing in his face.
[ ]
Is it really time for your divorce,
There will not be allowed to not love me, not to suffer?
Give the hands of even a single scull -
All back to me by an old cut.
[ ]
across his suffering and death
Walked proud and light, which flies
And now the evening clouds floors
You over the head and mirdošs me alive.
[ ]
šķēlies now I am a thousand fragments,
What other life can live with you;
They are my long golden pegs are hung,
By the breath of eternity as a fervent concern.
[ ]
always, forever
And I will be as invisible beam
Each seed and wind žūžā,
Each breath to the top spirit alive.
[ ]
And When I die,
I do not need the coffin and die,
Bring me to pick up and the mountains,
Where the eagle\'s wings SPARKLE frost.
For there I died SPARKLE
With the sun and blue eyes Vizbulis fingers.
[ ]
Come Infinity, come: you face a calm passage.
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There are two pink-reliefs:
Home and End.
Waves rocked the world -
Eternal mystery.
[ ]
hurt a person becomes truly alive,
Breaking himself free, and takes off.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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