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Poems / Aphorisms

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Is not it time to introduce a winged phrase ringing?
to crumble into dust all that before we expressed our thoughts!
aphorism author is a man who is happy as a child, came up with the phrase, which probably was an old proverb Phoenicians.
reading the ancient wise men are often in some of their thoughts.
aphorism man leaves more room.
future literature will aphorism. It is not possible to film.
Solomon created a book of wisdom, but the wisdom of Solomon book is not created.
stupid idea of ​​the anthology is wisdom.
words used in another context, acquires another meaning in another context, expressed a different opinion leaves the impression.
compiler of the book consists of quotations from other authors, author composes aphorisms quotes other books.
Have you noticed how smart we think we pay much more attention when they are quoted, not when it is expressed by the author.
aphorism author Throw salt other made dishes.
aphorism can be considered as a sentence? Yes, for the author.
aphorism is like a nut - nice on the outside, but the middle three-quarters empty.
Sayings words are usually expressed by unusual people.

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