Famous poems
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Poems / Famous poems

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At the dry river Daugava, where boards
Rows of shining yellow and fragrant as honey
And where under the moss and sawdust čauganām
Even in the late summer of sleeping in the ice

Where the high bank is no longer the foam has disappeared, overgrown with rare grass
How old man with a chin beard,
Where through the day leaving the sand
Fences from rags and tin, -

I live grandfather.

He gets up, just at dawn,
And, a window opened to the river,
Captures the loving fog laden air
And the lips cradling pīpīti the nipple.

He spends views down Barka
They caress the sweet Payá,
And smiles quietly when passing a window
As the sugar-white gulls shines.

But long bubina the harbor tug
Pass through the bridges in the wrong raft
Ability and often captures the excitement
From his old English abdominal belt.

Then go to the dark pantry seeks
Cat trap from a mouse
Then, sipping coffee from clay pots,
Where nogleznoti boy and a cow with a small heifer.

When the sun can have a look at the chimney
Mills and break say a loud whistle,
Go to the grandfather to rest till noon,
Where he was waiting for grūdenis with fresh pork.
Watery mist window. What to deny there is not worth it:
Only you, I am loved.
In a strange juice your lips you dip,
That they are glowing red with such a breath?

Where boulevards are smoking, you will be met once
And no I do not know peace for a moment.
On the corner, where a beggar asking for money themselves crooked,
My catfish soon long as horses.

Is it day or night, to wander the streets alone,
Pull leaves from trees and hope
That one of them will be your kiss or your hair,
But - I empty the drains BERU.

Then I watched the same way on all screens, maybe
Your eyes will see there is shining,
But I hope the birds only the brain is lost,
I feel moments of eternity as chalk.

Where are you, my friend?. . . Does it glow, which melts
I am the lone cloud on his face?. . .
Or from you to me as long as this, which breaks
My hot and excited to poetry?

Watery mist window. What to deny there is not worth it:
Only you, I am loved.
I guess my blood you dip your lips,
That they burn with less red breath?
Dreams, and you will not be small:
The whole world is within you liesies as kvass.

Dream of the hardest steel, yellow
And people all over the raises.

Dream yourself tops start
Himself on the root and gold cover.

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