America and Americans
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Poems / America and Americans

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American is the man who finally was able to buy a small car, buy a large.
America is the richest country in the world because half the population consists of the cashier and fled to their descendants.
America is the only country from barbarism reached at twilight, skipping the stage of civilization.
America does not know where to go, but it beats the speed records on the way.
Americans cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but would not move across the street to vote.
Americans are people looking for a pill for all ills - and elected to Congress.
America is a country where a dollar can buy stocks of aspirin for life and this stock is enough for two weeks.
One is the American individualist, two Americans - the company, three Americans - a monopoly.
Youth is the oldest American tradition, it is already three hundred years.
most Americans have a machine that saves time, and the least amount of time than any other nation.
America I was most impressed by the way parents obey their children.
If Europe is a novel rich woman with a conductor, she give birth to a child in America a woman buys his orchestra.
Amerikānieties by their husbands request so extraordinary good qualities as an Englishwoman expects perhaps only of his lackeys.
virtuous American in Paris, comes after death.
Happy end - that\'s our national religion. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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