Easter greetings
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Poems / Easter greetings

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will keep the Easter sun in our hearts,
Easter fun will keep growing,
Lost to the darkness in the souls of Comm.
Easter sun to shine more!
Easter is a lovely holiday,
Trotting around the flocks of chicks.
All the home team is working
And the spotted eggs a year.
This morning at dawn,
Chicken jumping in the Daugava River,
Can not get used to the idea of ​​its
Again, they are speckled eggs.
excitement chicken klukst,
Their hearts beating fast,
Piedēta barn is full,
Rooster izriesusies breast.
Happy Easter.
Easter the sun warmed
Eggs perform your belly.
When the swing will be peace,
Kārosies in midsummer cheese.
will keep the Easter sun in our hearts,
Easter fun will keep growing,
Lost to the darkness of the soul Comm.
Easter sun to shine more.
Hare go ciku - little awesome
Whistling through the forest trail!
This basket brings great joy,
Distributed to the participants.
Happy Easter
of anemones, pūpoli and drugs
Of birch buds this time is woven,
What does Easter have brought the palms
We are inviting both enjoy and love,
And love to express themselves.
this morning, sleep sin,
Forest seek is power.
Pūpoliņos forces Rodi,
They are given a beating by none.
Then after a week and called,
Colored eggs - will be mixed
by opened in the sky, listen to the wind,
wake up you feel as a flower and brook.
Easter morning the song of life,
Lifelong allowed to hear.
high swing,
Far to look,
Egg Basket ievelties
And from the heart of the pieēsties
to each what is needed:
women - eggs,
men - bunny
nice lot of bunnies cabbage
Store at Easter in the heart of the sun,
Easter joy kept growing,
Lost to the darkness of the soul Comm,
Easter sun to shine more and more
swinging Easter
Rejoice Easter -
The white Catkins,
The mottled eggs.
Blau rabbit lens in the woods
pain and cried out loud,
Wolf then painted eggs
at the back and nailed

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