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Poems /

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When evening deletes ray flares
And the forest echoes with the sea
Through the storms of fate hard times -
Leaning pine šmauga
In their desire for a single friend.
[ ]
. . Maybe, fate put the life circle;
It may be that my voice has stopped,
And glaužot lonely naked tree
Friend me quiet sad memorial.
[ ]
We now listen to another wave of Zuzu,
But if I had thine bad or good,
Once upon a time will come to life in a difficult divorce,
Like the waiting time will come tomb.
[ ]
stub tear, seizes face,
There comes a time to be called good-bye.
[ ]
hill pine trees rustling quietly,
Hill sings a sad song,
Where the tomb flourished
Asinssārta rose blossoms.
[ ]
breaks clue me in hand
birdsong breaks the tree
broke down in your warm breath

darkness - light
light - dark
continuous pain
[ ]
winding yarn ball
already tired arm
run around in circles
already tired idea
the circle be
already tired heart
[ ]
all but reborn again - through the rays
the cold eternity digested
when frost decorated branches
will not be sorry for life
[ ]
sun distraught
hands to stretch
Sun tearfully begs
for stepping up to her -
[ ]
still do not want to believe. Still
Live žilbst words over darkness.
It is raining over the rocky heads
As tears of blue flower.
[ ]
mourn n
[ ]
Through fierce tears, through a bitter smile,
Through the silence of the grave, Otherworld visitors,
Through some hope, through a long sleep
Provides me, remember.
[ ]
There\'s only spring - smeldzīgs, bright and serene
As its withdrawal - just as elusive;
And the shadow glides and vanish in obscurity
There, flowering trees to turn into a myth
The story, which will tell aspen aspen
In the evenings, when the three-page tongue ...
[ ]
go a long way
Seek Thy caress, māmulīt!
Then on the day jasmīnoto west
The heart may no longer the pain tomorrow.

Your breath warm comforting
Maybe gaistu loneliness will.
But you are silent. Night and Grey Sands
One day every heart will be calm.
[ ]
I\'m going to go away at midnight driving trails,
Where deep silence, after which the heart long tvīkst.
I will be one, as the shadows walking side-by -
There will be peace in me a long sought-after, unrecognized.
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Poems /

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