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Poems / Free science and art

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There is only one truly free science because it
gives freedom: it is the wisdom of science (philosophy) - high, masculine, noble, others are marginal, suitable for children.
Surveyor taught me to measure the large land
property: in order to better train the measure, the man needed to have enough.
What am I up to it, that I can split the parts of fields, if do not know how to divide it with his brother?
Surveyor taught me how to not lose anything from your property, but I want to learn how joyful mind I lose everything.
If you are a connoisseur, the dimensions of the human soul;
tell me how big or how small it is. You know who
a straight line is: what does it to you if you do not know what is
righteous life?
soul develops only one -
unshakable knowledge of what is evil and
which is good, but no other science does not explore the good and
would like to know more than necessary, it is also
intemperance way. The pursuit of a liberal
sciences and the arts makes people obnoxious, talkative, intrusive and self-sufficient, they do not learn the necessary, so that it is
learned a lot of unnecessary.
prowess is all terrible nievātāja.
Trust is the most holy man\'s heart good; no
need to be forced to cheat, and not
with any prize can not bribe.
composure curb enjoyment, some hate it and drove,
Other balances and reduces it to a mayor
and never approaching them because of their own pleasure. Humanity prohibits high horse against members
prohibited to be scarce, word, deed and felt it
for all the kind and available, no sorrow
not considered to be foreign.
free and art teaches us that attitude? No, as little as a simple and humble, and self-control and modesty, and sparingly, as a charity, which respect the other as their blood, and knows that a man should not neglect to use other people\'s.
to believe that the letter unaware
can not become wise? Wisdom, however, not letters. It teaches works, not words, and perhaps
stronger will be the memory, which has no external support.
Wisdom is the great and wide: it needs free space, has acquired all of the divine and the human, the past and the future, the perishable and the eternal, the
the time.
How much harm too big wit
and how it is dangerous to the truth! Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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