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Poems / Freedom

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Majority of freedom refuses to fear.

[ Freedom ]
Few want Freedom.

A majority - a fair gentleman.

[ Freedom ]
I would like to live and die free, t. i. in such a way to comply with laws that neither I nor anyone else can

liberation from the yoke of the honorable, that the saving and easy yoke, where the same noble heads are obedient downcast, because they are not able to submit something else.

[ Freedom ]
all around we see almost exclusively for those people who complains about his life, and much more is one that takes away life for themselves, if their power, both together and god

and human laws, little can be done to stop this corruption. But did you ever hear that

primordial human freedom it so just think how to complain about your life and commit suicide. Be less pride when speaking about it, which really is an unhappy man.

[ Freedom ]
Freedom - how the wind on mountain tops - poor people are not tolerated.

[ Freedom ]
authorized more than necessary, it wants more than allowed.

[ Freedom ]
Oh freedom, you will relish in my life without you is a pain to work, but life - long dying.

[ Freedom ]
Only freedom can lead to a stable security.

[ Freedom ]
Freedom itself denies, if it is unlimited.

[ Freedom ]
Unlimited freedom means that a strong man can intimidate the weaker and deprived of his freedom.

[ Freedom ]
What is freedom? - A clean conscience.

[ Freedom ]
Freedom - it is an opportunity to express that twice two is four.

[ Freedom ]
You called yourself for free. Free from something, or something free?
[ Freedom ]
Freedom means masculine, militant and triumphant instinct supremacy over other instincts, such as the pursuit of happiness.

[ Freedom ]
is not possible to give people freedom, making it easier for those living or dāvājot Constitution: they fall asleep in bed, and its freedom awakens as slaves. Liberty is the only possibility, which gives the spirit of freedom.

[ Freedom ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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