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Poems / Man

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She was the same person as others - went through his loneliness himself, tried to justify his every step seemed strong, the weak, and pretended to be weak when it was strong.
[ Man ]
To be able to enjoy a few things, be a person with
a big heart.
[ Man ]
Often people falling from a height of exactly the habit thanks to which they had reached this height.
[ Man ]
We all instinctively fear the target. Many of
We would prefer to be
[ Man ]
other failures we perceive it as something completely
natural, but why should we not doing the same - it
we can not understand.
[ Man ]
deepest hearts of men looks into its eyes, wept the most.
[ Man ]
Why do we all dzenamies for beauty? Because this world is ugly and vēmienam. We want to be beautiful, because we want to be better. Plastic surgery is the only ideology that we left.
[ Man ]
If something bad happens, you drink to forget, if something is good, you drink to forget, and if nothing happens you drink in order for something to happen.
[ Man ]
same varonīgākie are themselves unhappy.
[ Man ]
for once a man: he is really expensive just what lost.
[ Man ]
Man can not tolerate too much reality.
[ Man ]
We talk a little, if you would not be talking about yourself.
[ Man ]
people need what is bad in him, for him to achieve what is good in him.
[ Man ]
We like people who boldly say what
think - provided that they think like we do.
[ Man ]
All progress, to which we can hope for is to make
people less evil.
[ Man ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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