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Poems / Various quotes

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show business success depends on your ability to make friends and stay friends with them.
Up to 18 years of age a woman needs good parents, from 18 to 35 years - good looks, from 35 to 55 - a good character, but after 55 years - good money.
I\'ve been poor and I\'ve been rich. The latter is better.
Marriage is such a wonderful thing that come to think about it for a lifetime.
Do not hurry, and you arrive on time.
words given to man to conceal his thoughts.
memory of past happiness deepens misery.
worse than the mother-may be just a wife.
man who is too big for small works that are too small to be entrusted to him for great things.
fairer to the world is divided mind: no one but laments that he has been deprived.
The world is a mirror, a man shows his true face.
Sow work - and you pļausiet habit, sow a habit - and you pļausiet character, sow character - and you pļausiet destiny.
Big men just admire great things, while small long delays at low and dignity of a mess of things.
oligarchy is the worst of tyrannies, worse than the autocracy monarchy despotism.
acquaintance of three weeks. Love for three months. Quarreled for three years. Suffer each other for thirty years. Then their children are repeated from the beginning. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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