Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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proud of their ancestors made sense to look for the roots of fruit, which would hang the branches.
moralists are similar pharmacist who prepares drugs for others, yet he seldom use them.
There are men with whom I could spend eternity together. But it is not life.
If you have kids, more to you than not.
living among you reach a terrifying conclusion, that all your sarūgrinājumi, suffering, regret and loss, all your bitter disappointment - it\'s all your doing.
Living cost is growing steadily, but demand for them is not changing.
Life is easier than you think: You only have to accept the impossible, do without the necessary and endure unbearable.
The people have the right to know the truth, just as it has the right to life, freedom and the struggle for happiness.
Do not look the truth in others, if they are not in you.
Evil is eternal. Never did not rule on the whole life, if you see only in part.
Polymath - a reservoir of knowledge, but not the idea of ​​a fountain.
Two beauties and two kazuisti rarely can be friends.
Our own accident we think the exceptions are not comparable.
woman - a big name. It is a girls purity of it - friends generosity, the - the mother heroism.
Jealousy is fondly as a child, and mad as a savage beast. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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