Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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Guilt has a well-educated man ethically. They are not, either final mutt, or ethical obscurant.
Put yourself in front of hundreds of teachers, and they will be powerless, if you will not be able to force yourself and ask the same from you.
My life\'s dream - to create work that would bloom all - trees, earth, sky.
not wait for inspiration, do what you do with your knowledge.
Art is what the artistic means, the line shape and color of the surface, the appropriate proportion of proportionality, depth, spatial, color harmony of a single sovereign entity canvas square plate offs from him.
are just cowards.
What\'s good for the first role, it is useless role of the second plan.
Winning the war is an enemy.
artists\' life is a single cross-wounding.
Work takes energy and causes suffering.
content revealing the artist must be a perceptible presence - only if it is a true work of art.
difference between paradox and the truth is that first detects the presence of a strong light on the one hand, and the second - with the faint light of the many.
King is not a personal dwelling.
It has been well documented that ethics and politics are never sastrīdējušās sisters.
enmity has destroyed many, but not caused by anything. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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