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Poems / Life

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Human Affairs and noise merged polyphonic cacophony. This time called life.
[ Life ]
We are blaming the fate of all our accidents, but never flawless in its success.
[ Life ]
If he pavilktu years spent in the bottom of the strip,
may be in two or three days, when the morning
seeing the sun or rain, he would feel happy, just
happy, and not wanting anything without planning, without seeking anything in return. All the rest of his life he had spent in dreams, loss and victory, in their desire to beat the same
themselves, picking up the bar as if he wanted to prove something - just did not know who.
[ Life ]
future we are concerned about, but the past delays. That\'s why we slip away from the present.
[ Life ]
Life starts to die where it is most life.
[ Life ]
He waited, even though I know that it is a sin: moments have been experienced by, waiting for something is to sin against both
time to come, both for the present moment, which
awaiting overlooked.
[ Life ]
must confess that the past is beautiful only in our dreams, that in fact the good old times, the poetry we
inhale with pleasure, has been with the same understated
and a sad tendency to do all the same things from
which is formed of any human life.
[ Life ]
that time still did not know that death is no longer the man who
longs to death - it said only one whose heart is the attachment to life.
[ Life ]
carefree living person, the most delicious laughs death.
[ Life ]
really strange that sometimes the memory of death lives
longer than the memory of their lives devastated by the death.
[ Life ]
If we had a choice: die or live forever, then
no one know what to choose. Nature deliver us
the need to choose the doing of an imminent death.
[ Life ]
Maybe it was to live, is killed in the past, and it should not be a witness.
[ Life ]
Maybe it\'s a coincidence that a lot more than my parents house we put in the reconstruction of
and development - homes where more uzturamies
less, earn money in French chrome faucets
and oak floor boards. Home, so to speak, turned into scene, which is destroying the show, the mayfly are going to play a major role.
[ Life ]
We need each other, even though we live
era when the kindness and encouragement of expression is quite rare.
[ Life ]
We must learn to appreciate our relationship and to find joy in, Rather than a sustained Effort to convert people, we are facing. We must learn to Give Hope When others is only despair.
[ Life ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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