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Poems / Especially quotations

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only mediocrity is always in the form.
A real woman does not love the most beautiful guy in the world. She loves the fact that the world causing her the most beautiful.
Trust is the eraser. It is becoming a smaller and smaller after each error.
Cats were introduced to this world to challenge the dogma that all things created here to serve man.
Women have particular skills: they feel when they look to men, and knows how to look at them so that the men to see.
Anything created by man in order to be literature, music or painting - it is always a self-portrait.
The crowd laughs at clown, because it is different, but the clown laughing at the crowd, because they are all the same.
A woman should be a little bitch, because otherwise their sabradās.
much easier to tear down than to build from scratch.
nocels my man, my best comeback will Enabling it done. In real man can not take off if he does not want it.
Not all of those who are looking up the haughty. Maybe they just want to see the stars instead of mud underfoot.
better to have the reach to high hill, over a puddle, which all through Brien.
Friends are those rare people who ask how we\'re doing, and then also expect answers to our end.
I have not gone completely insane, but it Might Happen soon.
Today is Yesterday. If we try to recapture it, we will only lose tomorrow. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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