New Year poems
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Poems / New Year poems

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With the hot tears crying candles, grieve for the outgoing year. But the boiling weather guy, Give us back New Year.
Year by year, again in turn, The bright colors of yarn. Fabric of life in our hands, the New Year, doing so well!
The new year will also be a concern for long hours and moments of happiness quickly aizzibēs. And dreams will, and work to be done. But because we live under the sun. / K. Apškrūma /
When a beautiful, white frost of winter trees nopurina wind, to the New Year brings true happiness and new dreams actually draws.
Is again festive evening and New Year's Eve is coming, How much is a new way after midnight should be initiated.
From the distant Russian village, where there is cold, hunger, Bring atvilkusies winter, the New Year with you.
We look forward to the new year will be a full house of relatives. We were both piedzirdīja Here you either feast was!
Mirror this morning I thriller shows such as poach Feiss, no view, the hair is broken, eyes to the chin, presumably expected to honor the New Year.
In order to burn candles for dripping grease, go to the new year, nice!
Snow flakes are flying slowly, removing the old year, you get much joy, much happiness to you, in anticipation of the new year.
During the night, stars as a down licks and silver fir branches are falling. Candle light rays of thought - To be us again, And the new day article Laimesmāte Dzīpariņš wall.
Comes to a fun New Year's Eve to make a fortune over the flowing bowl, To sorrow fades, if any, to the joy of holiday candle melts.
Be quiet in the sky stars, as Ares flashing silver brooch. And the distant tomorrow takes away our dreams this New Year's night.
When winter frost white
From the trees nopurina wind
For the New Year with happiness comes,
Every dream of reality draws.
new year to shine brighter stars,
North winds and blizzards rimst.
In the new year to more happiness,
Good thoughts and deeds to sparkle. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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