New Year's couplet
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Poems / New Year's couplet

Page : 3

You then slept
And that\'s why I did not see,
How big tree
small land drilling.

It is a small tree
a large fir daughter
like mother,
have her green dress.

From small seeds,
the ground inside the seed,
growing tree nurseries,
plīvodami wind.
Small lies, big rises.
Dodger frost.

One morning I go to the edge of forest on the ice crust.
Suddenly you hear the crust beneath the snow-clause
I will pick up trees and break saslušo
I look and wonder. Partridges!
White butterfly.

This morning, early morning
Silver frost fell,
Since small Butterflies
White frost seemed to flock.
Sit and striking: you hear is not visible.
Neither the fence nor Pulled,
But the bloom room.
winter warm
Languish in the spring,
Izzied summer,
Autumn comes to life.
Bright PUTNIŅI bezspārnīši
Bezlapīša on the tree;
Mother comes bezzobīte,
Bezspārnīšus bird eats.
all winter!

Again, a fun, clear tongue
All streams play the game;
Calo river with a loud clatter:
Winter in the end! Winter in the end!

Ice away, away snow,
Warm winds rocked gently,
Blackbirds whistle merrily Calais:
Winter in the end! Winter in the end!
Winter Battle.

Broke zobentiņš winter,
Winter fled sobbing.
All gates, all doors
Spring Day opened.
Winter flee.

Day becoming longer and warmer.
Blaze of the sun started to spike icicles dripping noses.
Will cunningly trying to take as a black
color, as if had never will. Ice
melts and the overlap with the large water pools.
-Winter soon will flee away, - says the dad.
-Will flee away? - Ugis wonder. - Why is this
-Spring is coming.

Gently for a further kaķpēdiņu
Spring brings a message
A friend with a velvet coat -
Pūpoliņš round.
little, little man,
Silk skirt back.

The very red, and white eyes.

All wolf series,
angry and series -
high, high osier
sarāpušies lambs.

Nothing to frighten the lambs,
anger and menace!
Go, wolves away
lambs will blossom.

Come on everybody else,
all, all the other
together with lambs
wait for the first bit.
did not sleep all night,
Mara in the morning waiting,
To bear celdamies.
His sleep did not return.
on Palm Sunday.

Heart this morning as the sun light,
Only the will to vote in favor of:
\"For you round it as pūpoli!\"
That alone at home, everyone gets:
Barn white lamb ANCI,
And who sits at the front door -
Black liar, old Krancis. .
Beloved face, fun voices. .
Eat cooked peas,
And when the sun is warm boot up,
Outside aizvējiņā sitting. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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