Easter poems
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Poems / Easter poems

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Zakjis blue duumus puuta, greetings from me suuta! The other eye Bola only - Being nospertas the eggs. Respect eggs taa kaa naakas because of the IPPC olaam life! :)
Everyone likes šūpties, preparing for Easter. All are delivered greetings, impress your parents!
Rabbit jokes are delivered in the garden,
We laugh with his brother.
Then it hides the eggs in places
Where we can find.

Rabbit standing and eye Bola,
He stuck the egg:
I swear to my ear,
Neielaisties no longer with the ostrich!
Hare on holiday nice,
Lay eggs on all shelves.
Chicken roars: Rival!
Quite a dangerous element!
What is cross-eyed is eaten?
Speckled eggs Kaká cheat!
bunny boots up,
He cuts into all homes
Lot Catkins and eggs
For a head of good thoughts.
morning at dawn,
Chicken Leca Daugava,
I can not get used to the idea of ​​the
Again, it is speckled eggs.
As round as eggs,
To you, this is even dieniņa,
To have you pinched the tip of the day
And in the evening, the lost voice.
Overdone egg blue
Probably Because in mistle
But the egg Can not be
It is so yellow.
Therefore salt netaupiet
Pour the egg.
Easter swing,
Easter fun
The first flowers
As mottled eggs.
celebrations in every corner of eggs:
Bed, furniture, bird cages.
What they have brought us?
This is already our Rabbit Long!
Rabbit blew blue smoke,
Sends greetings from me,
The other eye Bola only,
Being nospertas the eggs!
Hare today got drunk,
More can not remember,
Who painted the eggs,
Hid and gave.
bunny today a great day,
eggs stretch a hundred and one.
They will be painted and battered
As the villagers turned pale chicken!
old rabbit eye Bola,
The wife again sitting on the eggs
Rabbits jumping around children
And the joy out loud hullabaloo.
pūpoli izsprāguši and
Mole burrows sten happiness,
Easter present!
The energy is sufficient for the whole year!

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