Love couplet
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Poems / Love couplet

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one loves you, and you\'re needed in the world. One you love, you need the whole world, to give it one.
Love You did not say how high guests: \"I will come today or tomorrow. \"With the Meiji, with wreaths you\'s can not anticipate. You do not pray, as a friend who lives far away. As a servant, you can call: \'You have to come the day after tomorrow, tomorrow! \"You do not allow travel hours and none explore, as Finch lands branch, you come - and stay there!

As stealthily, so slowly, so quietly,
IN ADDITION, without Blizzard and storms
SPRING HAS arrived:
Flowering hazel, green for mint.

As stealthily, so slowly, so quietly,
Thusis, The Same nemanoti,
Against you, tanned heart
And burning and very, very.

O\'clock the moon, flower o\'clock,
Nepogāja the nightingale.
Autumn in the mud slicks the edge of the edge,
And little hands without gloves Island.

Neither the stream bottom edge of the flower,
The Stock Exchange or, where there is a gentle rices,
Quite simply, we met
At still uncleared brokastgalda.

I will not fall on your knees,
My mouth than nezvērēja,
Neither you cried, \"thy lifetime\" -
Neither you tears ran cheeks.

The answer to \"Do you know me well
Dear? \"- Read to you from the eyes.
Sabučojāmies. Then ate, drank,
Because I was rustled all morning. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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