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Poems /

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time like the wind - can not catch. The only difference is that the time a man came up, but can not figure out the wind.
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Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. Does not relieve your anxiety problems of tomorrow, it just takes away your strength today.
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this sentence called life, occasionally turns into a comma on the subject of the sentence.
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Time is what one always tries to kill, but in the end it killed him self!
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Drop in vain to land a handful of coin, you will get another, but nothing ever throw a minute, you will not get back no never.
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The eagle never lost so much time as when he studied singing.
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happiness expressed only in a physical sense of satisfaction, then we would call a happy bulls who feast pea field.
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If someone is not happy, then he do not care what happens to themselves or others.
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happiness that costs nothing, often becomes bitter when thinking about the settlement date.
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Happiness is to burn others.
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Happiness - it\'s not a life free from care and sorrow, happiness - it\'s soul.
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tendency for happiness is human nature given, so it must be his moral ground.
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narrow-minded people believe in luck, strong people - cause and effect.
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Who can say that, fortunately, is called, then she has not yet been born.
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one small star, happy things, you have many of his distinguished laimēm.
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Poems /

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