Of gratitude
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Poems / Of gratitude

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grateful to meet with people, worth a fly in the ungrateful.
Gratitude is love and friendship part of it is even more common, for more people than true friendship.
soon freeze Cutro inaction
If we give up all that aversion.
Can a person who has helped us at the beginning,
but then the injury is the billing and settlement,
freeing us from debt?
question arises, how happy he has helped and how many are reluctant to damage because both labdarījumi and wrongs rooted in the intent to be evaluated not on how much has been given, but - what the treatment was based.
wise to consider all his mind: as received, of which, when, where, how. No one can not be
obliged to make one wise, having to provide the greater joy than to another - to get.
contribution is small, but significant effects.
What services would rather adopt than involves opening,
wrong: to return the debt, is glad of it,
the borrower.
released without interest, is thankless. We must do everything so that we would be rewarding as possible.
that to others to himself.
Award for the proper handling of the same action. I am
grateful, not for another, my Setting the
encouraged, because I prefer to do service
tion, but to do so by a very pleasant and
beautiful. I am grateful, not because I do it
is profitable, but because it is fun to me.
Vairīsimies be ungrateful and not another,
but self-interest. As the fog said: \"The same malicious
drink most of their venom. \"
thankless tormented and tortured themselves.
There\'s nothing sadder than someone who
labdarījumus forget, but remember wrongs.
Wisdom while decorate each receive labdarījumu and praises, and feel the joy of it ever remembered.
wise man would rather remember the service than resentment.

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