The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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order to achieve what has never reached, must be one which has never been.
practiced\'\' tip of the iceberg\'\' policy!
Any unexpected event is perceived as if it is indicative of a trend.
Do you have any employee of your current experience you would not recruit anymore?
Neatkāpies, as long as the work is not finished and the prize hands
face the world as it is not the same as it is in your imagination!
Focus on the strengths of their properties!
What a unique work you can do here and now?
Trust intuition and listen to inner voice
Dare to go ahead! Courage is a sign of a great pool of leadership.
Refuse the excuses and blame others!
A leader always says,\'\' If it has, it must be me!\'\'
determine which areas are the most capable, and then nododies them, so you can get brilliant success!
Imagine that you have to start from the end! Every year, wonder how to change yourself and how to reorganize your business!
constantly Changing work assignment! Regularly move resources to high-valued Activities
Our obligation is satisfied customers.
Who are your customers and how you are doing with their expectations met?
Remind staff that they are skilled and well to do its job.
Be prepared to give up old ideas, if someone offered by newer and better! Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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