Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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We have to choose between gold and the stability of the government members of the honesty and intelligence. With all honor to these gentlemen, I recommend that you - as long as the capitalist system in favor of gold.
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healthy nation are failing in their nationality, just like a normal person - the spinal column.
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Perhaps the greatest social service that anyone can make their home country and to mankind, is to raise a family.
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Success does not mean never allow for mistakes, but never repeat their mistakes.
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Some people see everything as it really is, and asks why this is so. Others imagine it as is or can be, but they do not question.
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People only let us interesting news, when we talk to them in return.
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more difficult to answer this question, which is unambiguous.
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Democracy is a government of all. It should be stressed that this does not mean government by all.
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Democracy always favors the second-best.
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Anarchism is a game in which the police can beat you.
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progress led to the abuse and immorality.
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People who have reached success in the world are those people who gets up and looking at his case required.
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Paradoxes - that\'s the only truth.
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golden rule says that there is no golden rule.
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end is not the only life.
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Poems /

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