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Poems / Virtue

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Nesašust about anything that happens in humans, and understand that what he considers to be harmful to themselves, serving the global conservation and comply with their order processes of the universe. What has pleased God to have liked the man! The benefit was killed in one way - turned into evil.
[ Virtue ]
friends sakuplošana not make us smarter, it does not make us muļķākus decline, so that no do not become happier, not unhappy. While virtue remains intact, never wanted to feel any loss.
[ Virtue ]
virtues of strength is in harmony: its performance meets all the same, consistent with it. This consistency is lost if the soul, which is to be exalted, subject to sorrow or longing.
[ Virtue ]
Our Highest-principle to be: to speak what we think about what come to our language in line with our lives.
[ Virtue ]
to our words and not give pleasure, but it is helpful.
[ Virtue ]
eloquent doctors do not look sick, but if occur, that the same thing that knows how to heal, and appealing story of what can be done, then he\'ll be on your mind.
[ Virtue ]
Pest is as feeble as that which is detrimental: the highest good is not kaitētajā force.
[ Virtue ]
Nebīties not human, not gods; reluctant than shameful, nor excessive, unlimited reign in their own right: his own - an invaluable benefit!
[ Virtue ]
Jāmācās as long as the do not know, but if you believe in the proverb, - as long as we live.
[ Virtue ]
wisdom is not by accident. Money will come by itself, will offer a post, and the impact of the situation you maybe stamped but the virtue of the air will not fall or get to know it with little effort, with little work.
[ Virtue ]
vituperate foolish to listen to with indifference, then, to strive for virtue, jānicina contempt.
[ Virtue ]
each case determine the value of the inherent benefits. The vines considering the yield and taste of wine, a deer - the quick feet. The dog is the main sense of smell when jāsadzen animal\'s feet. In all the best on must be why it was created and how it is valued. But who is the best man? Mind: he is the superior to animals and followed immediately behind the gods.
What are special people? Mind. Being a correct and complete, it provides a person\'s happiness.
[ Virtue ]
This total is called the mind and manners are the same as moral. It is therefore only good human being, because only humans possess.
[ Virtue ]
If someone is sneaking, he will find fault, if honest, will be celebrated. So the main man and the only thing is what commends him or earnings are.
[ Virtue ]
Affairs celebrates its suitability, which is intended. So the man does not matter by how he handled the ground, how much money was lent to interest the visitors confirmed their respect for him as his luxurious bed, and spreads the cup from which he drinks. The important thing is how honest he was, but he is honest when he developed the mind, straight and with his natural will. It also called on the virtues or moral, and it is the only human good.
The benefit is only he who does the soul good. Human behavior throughout their lives the treatment of moral or netikumisko, it encourages one to do his thinking, but others do. Decent man would do what he believed to be done in accordance with virtue, although it would be difficult.
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